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📱 +86 19083133624
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Opportunity With Us

As a printing equipment manufacturer, ColoGoo not only designs and manufactures printer equipment ourselves, but also sells and serves printer customers.


Agent / Distributor / Branch Office Opportunity

If you have your own sales and service channels in your local area, we are looking forward to serving you as an agent or distributor. Of course, it is also a good choice to help us establish ColoGoo's overseas office in your local area!


If You Need Other Services In China

If you rarely come to China and need some other assistance and services, you can also let us know and we will try our best to assist you! Yes, cooperating with us is equivalent to setting up your own office in China!

Of course, if you have the opportunity to come to China, remember to visit and see us. It will be our honor~

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Color -Go !
" Color your life, reach the Googol "
Subscription Form

ColoGoo | Leading brand of printing equipments.

🏠 Address: No. 173 Pengda Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China

🕙 Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday(alternately): 9:00AM - 12:00AM

☎️ Phone / Whatsapp: +86 19083133624
📧 Email:

Send Inquiry to us now ~

Please Tell Us:
1. What products do you want to print?

2. What is your product's max printing szie?

3. How many pcs do you want to print per day?

We will reply you within 1 hour !
Contact Form(main)